NIRSA 2023 PIttsburgh
This Is a Team Effort!
Volunteers like you help to make the conference better every year!
The NIRSA Annual Conference and Campus Rec & Wellness Expo is enriched in no small part through the generous contributions of the time and talent of our amazing membership. The benefits of volunteering are familiar to returning volunteers; however, those who’ve never offered their service at the NIRSA Annal Conference might be surprised to learn that their own conference experience will be enhanced alongside those of the people they serve. We are so grateful for those who generously contribute their time and talent to help us curate the Annual Conference experience we all know and love, and we hope you’ll join us!
Read all about the many volunteer opportunities available below—and sign up today!
Session Host Volunteers
Introduce presenters as they begin their sessions, and help NIRSA keep count of attendance. Check out this year’s sessions and sign up for the ones that interest you the most!
Campus Rec & Wellness Expo Volunteers
Tasks vary but typically involve supporting the NIRSA Booth, Fitness Forum, and other Expo Hall activities. Duties may include handing out the attendee giveaway, assisting the emcee, monitoring the Fitness Forum, and helping with other attendee activities in the Expo.
Career Services Center Greeter
Greet visitors to the Career Services Center, direct them to various areas of the CSC, and answer questions.
Career Services Center Resume Reviewer
Help attendees edit their resumes and work with them to craft a compelling CV.
Career Services Center Mock Interviewer
Use our set of interview questions—or you can go off the cuff—to help mock interviewees get some practice with interviewing.
Registration Greeters
Meet and greet conference attendees as they check in, answer questions, and help assemble and distribute registration materials at the NIRSA Registration Booth.
Ribbon Wall Attendant
Share information about conference ribbons and assist conference attendees with selecting their ribbons.
NIRSA Foundation T-Shirt & Apparel Sale Attendant
Play an active role in the NIRSA Foundation T-Shirt competition and apparel sale by receiving, sorting, and selling apparel items.