NIRSA 2025 Orlando

Financial Assistance

NIRSA 2025 Conference Scholarships

The NIRSA Foundation is dedicated to the personal and professional development of NIRSA members.

What you need to know

Scholarships are available for students and professionals to attend the 2025 NIRSA Conference and Campus Rec Expo in Orlando. Applicants do not need to be a NIRSA member to apply for a scholarship; however, recipients will be required to become a NIRSA member upon accepting a scholarship. 

Important dates

Applications for the 2025 NIRSA Conference have been extended through November 30, 2024.   

Recipients will be notified no later than January 31, 2025. All applicants will be notified of their application status before early bird registration ends.

The scholarship application period for the 2025 NIRSA Conference is now closed.

Recipients will be notified no later than January 31, 2025. All applicants will be notified of their application status before early bird registration ends.

Scholarship opportunity details & application links

  • General Scholarships: available to any campus recreation student who applies through the application portal
  • Scholarships for students from Historically Black Colleges & Universities: In honor of the 20 African American founders of the Association who came from 11 Historically Black Colleges & Universities (HBCUs), the Founders Endowment provides scholarship opportunities for students working in campus recreation at HBCUs to attend either the NIRSA Annual Conference or a NIRSA institute. Recipients of this grant will also receive a $500 travel stipend.
  • Scholarships for LGBTQ+ students: The Braden Endowment provides scholarship opportunities for campus recreation students who identify as part of the LGBTQ+ community. Recipients of this grant will also receive a $500 travel stipend.
  • Scholarships for racial or ethnic minority groups: The Gartenberg Endowment provides scholarships to students who self-identify with a racial or ethnic minority group to attend the NIRSA Annual Conference.
  • Small Program Scholarships: Scholarships are available for students attending a “Small Program” college or university. Small Program is defined as less than 5,000 enrolled students and/or no more than three campus recreation employees. This scholarship covers the cost of registration and includes a $500 travel stipend.
  • General Scholarships: need-based scholarships available to any campus recreation professional
  • Scholarships for professionals from Historically Black Colleges & Universities: In honor of the 20 African American founders of the Association who came from 11 Historically Black Colleges & Universities (HBCUs), the Founders Endowment provides scholarship opportunities for professionals working in campus recreation at HBCUs to attend either the NIRSA Conference. Recipients of this grant will also receive a $500 travel stipend.
  • Scholarships for LGBTQ+ professionals: The Braden Endowment provides scholarship opportunities for campus recreation professionals who identify as part of the LGBTQ+ community. Recipients of this grant will also receive a $500 travel stipend.
  • Small Program Scholarships: Scholarships are available for professionals attending a “Small Program” college or university. Small Program is defined as less than 5,000 enrolled students and/or no more than three campus recreation employees. Professionals are encouraged to also apply for a $1,000 travel stipend available through the NIRSA Foundation.
  • NIRSA Foundation Travel Grants: Applicants must be a professional member in good standing for at least two years; grants will be awarded based on need to one NIRSA professional member from each NIRSA region; the $1,000 (USD) grant is specifically designed to cover travel expenses with attending NIRSA 2025 in Orlando (airfare, mileage, and hotel) – funds will be released in the form of a reimbursement check after NIRSA 2025; the travel grant does not include the NIRSA Conference registration fee, however, an applicant can also apply for a scholarship to attend the conference
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Thanks to our NIRSA Sponsors!
Thanks to our NIRSA Sponsors!
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Thanks to our NIRSA Sponsors!
Thanks to our NIRSA Sponsors!
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Thanks to our NIRSA Sponsors!
Thanks to our NIRSA Sponsors!
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Thanks to our NIRSA Sponsors!
Thanks to our NIRSA Sponsors!
Thanks to our NIRSA Sponsors!
Thanks to our NIRSA Sponsors!
Thanks to our NIRSA Sponsors!
Thanks to our NIRSA Sponsors!
Thanks to our NIRSA Sponsors!
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Thanks to our NIRSA Sponsors!
Thanks to our NIRSA Sponsors!
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